Wednesday, July 23, 2014

bonnaroo flashback

Oh, Bonnaroo. Weird that this was over a month ago - it feels so much longer. These pictures make me want to go back to the beginning of summer and live these moments all over again. Hear Jack White's speech about having something "better to do". "Do you have something better to do? This is just you and me, right here in this moment." I still get chills thinking about that set. I love that now matter how many times you attend a festival it's always so different each time; each year attached with its own energy and emotions. This was a good one, for sure.

All pictures except for the last taken by Wanessa Costa

Monday, July 14, 2014


You know when you like a band, and then you see them live and that just spawns a full on obsession? Cut/Copy totally did that for me. I've been playing their newest album on repeat since seeing them at Bonnaroo and my love for their music has multiplied tenfold. No, make that onethousandfold. Shit loads of folds. I decided that this amount of love needed to be immortalized into the band poster above. I also chose to advertise their Paris show because Cut/Copy in Paris would be really badass, no? 

Here are just a few songs I've been gettin' my groove to lately...